Our Mediterranean Campaign

In working toward a common Mediterranean destiny, the campaign aims at countering the narrative of division, showing the richness and diversity of our Mediterranean common roots, ensuring that shared issues are brought up to the regional and institutional agenda, and finally cultivating a united, peaceful, socio-politically and economically just relationship among Mediterranean peoples and beyond.
Floating Voices
The second edition of the Floating Voices creative arts contest ends with the awarding of the winners in Reggio Calabria (expected in 2021 due to the COVID-19 emergency). The ceremony will take place in partnership with Progetto Mediterranea, a sailing, scientific and cultural expedition that has crossed the entire Mediterranean in the last five years, and other local organizations.

Sabir Fest

Knowledge, freedom, solidarity and rights are the cardinal points that have guided SABIRFEST in proposing each year four days that invite us to rethink and discover together the complexity of the geographical and human space of the Mediterranean, outlining the paths on which, since the first edition in 2014, the event continues to travel in the imagination and daily practices of those who participate. The festival has had five editions (2014 to 2018). In 2022, the promoters of SABIRFEST co-organised the Mediterranean Citizens Festival, held by Med Dialogue for Rights and Equality, the City of Catania and the University of Catania, and funded by the European Union.

SabirFest 2018 closed its doors on October 7, only a few days ago, and already it seems it was ages ago. A group of activists from the Mediterranean region, known under the name of Maydan, has been hosted there over the last five years to hold dialogues and debates on the challenges of the region, with special focus on the status of democracy, freedoms and rights, intercultural dialogue, international solidarity, ecological transition and human mobility. The location of the Maydan dialogues at SabirFest was not a coincidence. With the festival taking place in three cities along the strait between Calabria and Sicily (Messina, Reggio Calabria and Catania), the spot was chosen for its symbolism: the juncture where the two shores meet, and with that, the Northern and Southern shores of the Mediterranean.