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Political debates around the Appeal: the future of EuroMediterranean cooperation

On the eve of the European elections, several debates take place today around the Appeal “Embracing the Mediterranean means saving Europe“. May 21 is the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, and it has been chosen by Maydan partner organizations to discuss about the future of EuroMediterranean cooperation. 

One of these debates is organized by the Greater Middle East Platform  in The Hague: 

Europe is completely cross-linked with the countries and peoples on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean, in historical, political, cultural, linguistic, economic, religious and culinary terms. The Mediterranean is the cradle of Europe’s cultures and civilisations, and has always been a crossroads for the exchange of people, goods and ideas. Nonetheless, more and more geographical and mental borders are being installed, transforming the Mediterranean from an inland sea to an external border.
What kind of relations does Europe have with the peoples and countries on the southern Mediterranean shores? How should the future EU neighbourhood policy for the Middle East and North Africa look like? And to what extent should we talk about one EuroMediterranean region?
Dutch-Moroccan writer Abdelkader Benali will deliver a keynote speech about Europe’s multiple links with the other side of the Mediterranean. Then there will be a political debate with seven Dutch candidates for the European elections from different political parties: what are their priorities, visions and political intentions regarding the EuroMediterranean region?

Another one is organized by Tadamon – Egyptian Multicultural Council for Refugees in Cairo: 

The event programme includes:

  • a Ramadan Iftar prepared by refugees with African Coffee,
  • a Photo Gallery Exhibition, and
  • a seminar about the Appeal and other Maydan activities in the presence of diverse speakers.

During the event, there will be a session where participants will be encouraged to sign the online Appeal petition, and to plan participating in the Creative Arts contest. For the event, special invitations have been addressed to the European Union’s Delegation in Cairo, European Diplomats, activists, NGO repreesentatives, journalists and bloggers.

For information, contact: Mark SnijderFatima Idris.

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