Lidia Lo Schiavo is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Messina where she teaches sociology and sociology of globalisation. Her research interests revolve around social and political theory, critical theory, democratic theory, political sociology, migration studies and European Studies in the Mediterranean area. She is a member of academic associations such as Associazione Italiana di Sociologia (AIS), International Political Science Association (IPSA), European Sociological Association (ESA) and Réseau d’Etudes sur la Globalisation et la Gouvernance Internationale et les Mutations de l’Etat et des Nations (REGIMEN, UC Louvain), and the author of several books and articles. Among her recent publications are: Ontologia critica del presente globale (Mimesis 2014) and Post-democracy and Neoliberal Hegemony (Lambert Academic Publishing 2017).